FINT goes to Nordic countries – Welcome to Helsinki, Finland!
Researchers across the globe studying trust are invited to connect and submit papers for the 12th workshop on Trust within and between organizations, to be held in Helsinki, Finland, June 14-17, 2023.
The workshop provides an inspiring and inclusive forum and venue to develop theoretical and practical knowledge on trust. It will be organized by First International Network on Trust (FINT), LUT University, and University of Eastern Finland (UEF), and co-sponsored by Institute for Research in Social Sciences (IRiSS) Stanford University.
Trust is a fundamental element in organizing human activity. It has a focal role in enhancing communication, collaboration, and commitment in private, public, third sector organizations, and social movements. Trust connects people and enables collective value co-creation, yet the current social, economic, technological, and political changes challenge trust as we know it. The world is facing severe challenges that cannot be solved without human collaboration.
Whether the question is about creating better work life in fast changing workplaces where employees, temporary workforce, and advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence are used for enhanced human-machine productivity; or solving complex tasks related to climate change, datafication, privacy and peace where supra-national efforts of companies, governments and NGOs must be aligned for results; or solutions for other grand societal challenges related to aging, health, migration and safety, trust is essential for collective action at local, national and international arenas.
In addition to problem-solving, trust is essential in sensing and seizing the opportunities, getting relevant stakeholder engagement, and building communities for change. Disruptions together with digitalization create not only challenges but opportunities for value creation and an adaptive space for enhanced sustainability, meaningful work, and life. Right now, research and practice in trust is more critical than ever.
Since 2000, trust researchers have met to discuss all matters trust. In first FINT workshop on Trust within and between organizations held in Amsterdam there were 20 persons doing research on trust, now FINT mailing list has over 770 researchers from all over the globe, across different disciplines, all sharing the interest in trust.
Researchers’ shared interest in trust has made FINT a welcoming and inclusive community, where senior and junior researchers across disciplines and different methodological interests come together to develop and discuss new ideas related to trust.
For the first time in its history, FINT will host its workshop in Nordic countries. Recognizing that trust is a concept that crosses disciplinary boundaries and impacts numerous facets of individual, group and organizational processes and outcomes, we encourage submissions reflecting diverse disciplines, literatures, and phenomena. We welcome new theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence based on qualitative or quantitative inquiry. We welcome both junior and senior contributor representatives of the academic and practitioner communities.
Call for registration
Would you like to attend the conference 15.6.-16.6.2023, listen to the paper presentations, panels and participate in stimulating discussions? The registration for FINT2023 is now open also for those academics and business people who wish to participate the workshop 15.6.-16.6.2023 without their own paper presentation.
Deadline for registrations: June 5th, 2023
Registration portal:
Delegate fees:
Delegate fees for those without paper presentation:
1 day 350 €, 2 days 650 €
Both prices include Social Event at Löyly 15.6.2023, and Conference dinner and FINT Awards Ceremony at Restaurant Saaristo, Klippan 16.6.2023.
The detailed FINT2023 Programme featuring all paper presentations 15.6.-16.6.2023 is now live! We are excited to announce our keynote speakers for FINT2023: Sirkka Jarvenpaa, Professor of Information Systems (The University of Texas at Austin), Mika Aaltola, Director of FIIA (Finnish Institute of International Affairs), and Sim Sitkin, Professor (Duke University). We are also excited to present our first conference day program: Doctoral and Early Career Colloquium. The colloquium will be led by Alison Legood, Senior Lecturer (University of Exeter) and Nicole Gillespie, Professor (University of Queensland).
FINT awards
Recognition from FINT community. This year FINT community recognizes exceptional research by providing prizes in three categories:
- For scholars with most innovative research on trust
- Research with high societal relevance
- Promising young trust scholar that has recently finished her/his PhD or is still in the process of writing the PhD

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