LUTStorming Co-Writing Sessions

🖋️ What are Co-Writing Sessions?

Co-Writing Sessions are dedicated periods of focused, collaborative, and supportive writing, review, and editing, where everyone comes with their own tasks (like papers to write or revise) and we work in parallel following different styles of the Pomodoro technique (with dedicated focus times).

They offer an incredible opportunity for young researchers like you to make substantial progress on your academic work, with the added benefits of peer support, guidance, and accountability - without forgetting coffee, tea and chocolates available during sessions to boost our work.

💡 Why should you join our Co-Writing Sessions?

  1. Boost Your Productivity: Writing in a group setting helps you stay on track and minimizes distractions. It's the perfect way to turbocharge your productivity.
  2. Tap into Collective Knowledge: Collaborative writing sessions allow you to draw from the collective wisdom and expertise of your peers, providing fresh perspectives and ideas.
  3. Receive Constructive Feedback: Get instant feedback on your work by peer-support, making it easier to improve and enhance the quality of your research.
  4. Cultivate a Writing Habit: Consistency is key to academic success. Co-Writing Sessions help you establish a writing routine that can propel your career forward.
  5. Forge Lasting Connections: Building a network of fellow researchers can be invaluable for your academic journey.

🗓️ How, When and Where?

Our Co-Writing Sessions are held at Lappeenranta campus bi-weekly on Thursdays – see the planned schedule and register here to receive the calendar invites.

Co-writing sessions are writing workshops where everyone comes with their own tasks (like papers to write or revise) and we work in parallel following different styles of the Pomodoro technique, such as 25 minutes work, 5 to 10 minutes break with coffee and networking. Feel free to bring your laptop or use the classroom computers.

See you on Thursdays!