
Join us at Lappeenranta, Finland, from August 14th to 17th, 2024 as we explore the nexus between sustainability, digitalization, and international entrepreneurship. Let us chart a course toward a resilient and vibrant future for global entrepreneurial endeavors and research.

The conference's main theme is “International entrepreneurship in a world driven by digitalization and sustainability.” In the spirit of previous successful conference editions, this one promises to be an exceptional gathering of leading academics, practitioners, and policymakers interested in the dynamic fields of international entrepreneurship, sustainability, digitalization, and the growth of SMEs.

Building upon the tradition established by previous conferences since 1998, the 28th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference aims to explore emerging developments and dominant patterns in an ever-changing domain of international entrepreneurship (IE).

In the past, distinguished scholars whose names have become synonymous with groundbreaking research in the IE field, include Hamid Etemad, Leo-Paul Dana, Tamer Cavusgil, Nicole Coviello, Marian Jones, Gary Knight, Patricia McDougall, Rod McNaughton, Nina Nummela, Benjamin Oviatt, Per Servais, Antonella Zucchella, Rudolf Sinkovics and Martin Hannibal, among many others, have attended McGill  IE Conferences.

Below, you can see calls for papers in the Special Issues related to the conference topics, and whose guest editors you can meet at the conference:

 1.  Sustainability Paradoxes in International Entrepreneurship in the Critical perspectives on international business journal. Submission DL in the ScholarOne Manuscripts system is 20.11.2024. More info is at: https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/calls-for-papers/sustainability-paradoxes-international-entrepreneurship

2. Migration, diasporas and international business - the changing landscape of global business actors and patterns in the Journal of Comparative International Management.  Submission DL in the journal submission system is 31.12.2024. More info: melo@sam.sdu.



28th McGill International Entrepreneurship Conference

IE-scholars Doctoral Colloquium: 14.-15. August 2024
Main Conference: 15.-17. August 2024

Deadline for the extended abstract: 14th of May 2024
Deadline for full papers and doctoral colloquium submissions: 17th of June 2024

Theme: International entrepreneurship in a world driven by digitalization and sustainability.

Venue: LUT University, Yliopistonkatu 34, 53850 Lappeenranta, Finland

Email: mcgill24@lut.fi

See also