Honorary Doctors of Economics and Business Administration
- Professor Michael Henke, Technical University Dortmund, TU/Fraunhofer Institute of Material Flow and Logistics, IML.
- Jalo Paananen, founder of Peikko Group Ltd.
- Professor Rebecca (Becky) Reuber, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto
- President and Group Chief Executive Officer Timo Ritakallio, OP Group
- Business influencer Tuomo Rönkkö
Honorary Doctors of Technology
- CEO Håkan Agnevall, Wärtsilä
- CEO Annica Bresky, Stora Enso Ltd.
- Chairman of the Board Jørgen Clausen, Danfoss
- CEO Wolfgang Leitner, Andritz
- CEO (former) Jukka-Pekka Mäkinen, The Switch (currently owned by Yaskawa)
- Associate Professor Mikko Möttönen, Aalto University
- Kaupunkineuvos (Finnish honorary title) Kari Salmi, Lahti
- Professor Samuli Siltanen, University of Helsinki
- Puutarhaneuvos (Finnish honorary title) Hannu Tolonen, Lappeenranta
- CFO Tiina Tuomela, Uniper
- Professor Pavel Zemčík, Brno University of Technology (BUT)
More information:
Vice Rector Jaana Sandström, +35840 5716197, jaana.sandstrom@lut.fi
Interview requests to recipients of honorary doctorates for: media@lut.fi

Conferment Ceremony 2022
Seventh ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at the Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT 2022.
Seventh ceremonial conferment of doctoral degrees at the Lappeenranta–Lahti University of Technology LUT 2022.
Contact us
Please ask more information about events promootio22@lut.fi
The general arrangements for the Ceremonial Conferment:
Kaija Ryösö, Kaija.Ryoso@lut.fi,
puh. 040 565 3615