Each LUT alumnus is special to us. We offer our alumni various kinds of services and forms of cooperation, and hope that you can find the most suitable ways for you to stay in touch with your alma mater.
Alumni newsletter
Do you want to stay up to date about the different kinds of alumni activities and development happening at LUT University? Join our alumni register and you will receive an alumni newsletter to your email a few times a year.
Alumni events
Alumni events are organised by LUT Alumni Relations, various alumni organisations and other LUT functions. You can easily see all alumni events from the alumni event calendar.
Curious People alumni webinars
Organised in English, our Curious People alumni webinars discuss different kinds of contemporary and interesting topics related to LUT University's research. Join our webinars to hear how our researchers are saving the world each and every day.
The dates of the alumni webinars are on show in the alumni event calendar.
Alumni group visits
Are you interested in visiting our renewed Lappeenranta campus? You are most welcome to visit us either by yourself or as part of a larger group. Individual visitors will find Alumni Relations on the second floor: Our office is located on the hallway between the library and LUT Buffa restaurant. We are also happy to support alumni groups in planning the visit program and finding a meeting room at the campus. In addition, the coffee is on us.
Please contact us in advance by email via alumni@lut.fi.
Career services
As an LUT University alumnus, you are able to continue using LUT Career Services for one year after your graduation. Later on, our alumni are entitled to limited use of LUT Career Services, including our job search portal and participation in recruitment events.
In order to get a link to our JobTeaser platform, please contact us by email via alumni@lut.fi.
Continuous learning
Continuous thirst for knowledge and an interest in all things new is in the DNA of our alumni. As your alma mater, we want to offer you and your organisation different kinds of opportunities to develop professional skills.
Choose the most suitable content and form of study from our offering:
- Further education
- Open University
- FITech network university
- MOOC courses
- Doctoral studies
Student recruitment
Do you need fresh talents in your team? About 800 new professionals graduate from LUT University annually to join the job market. Open job, summer job, dissertation and trainee positions are published for our students in the JobTeaser online portal. As you post an opent position, you can indicate that it has been posted by an LUT alumnus.
You can find more information about our services for employers at Rekrytointi ja opiskelijatyöt.
Become a mentor
Do you wish to support a soon-to-graduate student to find his/her own direction to working life? For alumni, mentoring offers fresh viewpoints from the students’ world and an opportunity to reflect one’s own professional know-how.
Check further information at LUT mentoring program's own Mentoring page.
Contacts at the university
Do you have a concrete need or idea of cooperation, but have trouble finding the right contact person from the university` to proceed? Contact us at alumni@lut.fi and we will help you in tracking down the right person, whether your need is related to research, courses, or social impact.
LUT-yliopiston varainhankinta 2020-2022 -kampanja on käynnissä aina 30.6.3022 asti. Kun osoitat tukesi LUT-yliopistolle valtion vastinrahaan oikeuttavan keräyksen aikana, jokainen lahjoittamasi euro voi tuottaa meille valtion vastinrahaa jopa 2,5 euroa.
More information

Elina Hannikainen-Himanen