European University, our present, your future
LUT University is a member of the EULiST (European Universities Linking Society and Technology) alliance. The EULiST alliance was established to support long-term collaboration in the areas of education, research, innovation and service to society. EULiST is one of the fifty universities involved in the European Universities Initiative.
In fall 2023, LUT University and the nine other EULiST universities launched a long-term collaboration aiming for the establishment of a new European university. The collaboration project has a four-year funding amounting to 18 million euros. The activities officially started on 1 November 2023.
The EULiST collaboration provides new possibilities for students and staff to connect with peers from across Europe, share best practices and collaborate on a wide variety of education, research and social initiatives.

Who are we?

• LUT University, Finland
• Jönköping University, Sweden
• Leibniz University Hannover, Germany
• Vienna University of Technology, Austria
• National Technical University of Athens, Greece
• Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
• Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic
• Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain
• University of L’Aquila, Italy
• Institut Mines-Télécom, IMT, France
Linking society and technology is a central theme that will be evident in many initiatives developed within the network. Society and technology are interdependent concepts. Society is a major driver of technological change, while advances in technology impact social development.
To prepare for the Europe of tomorrow, EULiST recognises the need to educate individuals who understand both the technical issues we are likely to face and the social context and dimensions for which technological solutions are designed. With this as a basis, EULiST will foster the integration and cross-pollination of STEM disciplines and social sciences in a broad range of activities.
EULiST is much more than a project – it's a profound transformation of member universities
The new European university will help LUT to thrive in the future. Close cooperation adds to the appeal of all EULiST universities. It’s easier for ten universities to attract new students and offer interesting career paths than it is for one.
To achieve this, EULiST strives to generate a unique and creative EULiST academic ecosystem of sustainable development open to the public. Informed and driven by the exchange of ideas between society, science, and technology, EULiST will:
- Support inter- and transdisciplinary learning, research and outreach.
- Issue, promote, and monitor sustainable policies.
- Contribute to reaching SDGs across Europe and beyond.
- Enable student and academic staff participation and interaction with society through the EULiST campus and Digital Knowledge Hub, Agora for Education, Research and Innovation Academy (ERIA) and Co-creation Cluster.

EULiST mission
European universities linking society and technology
EULiST lives its mission to form a European University, based on European values, a common identity and responding to key global challenges in order to rebuild societal trust in technology, boost climate action and reinforce social cohesion – based on our present, for your future.
At EULiST, we combine our strengths in technology and impactful research to propose an approach that focuses on innovative, yet practical solutions that can be implemented quickly by integrating both universities of technology and comprehensive universities. This enables us to act as a model for and form hubs with other European Universities to create synergies that contribute to the European Strategy for Universities 2022.
To this end, we have defined a guiding principle and have chosen a clear focus based on sustainability: interlinking knowledge in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) together with Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) to develop solutions to the major societal challenges of today and tomorrow – notably climate change, digital transition and social cohesion. For this purpose, EULiST boosts challenge-based learning to train future generations of students, researchers, scholars and life-long learners to build a more sustainable and globally engaged Europe.
We are promoting UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Our goals
EULiST members
Further information

Maija Kuiri