Previous Studies, max. 13 points
- Relevancy for the degree providing you with the eligibility to apply, max. 4 points
- Arithmetic GPA for the degree providing you with the eligibility to apply, max 5 points
- Studies in Mathematics and Physics, max. 4 points
Minimum requirements for the completed studies
What to do if there are no credits available for the completed courses?
The arithmetic GPA evaluated in the LUT selection process is
- an arithmetic average of grades for all individual courses included in the degree you have to apply with that
- are completed at the time of applying
- have been evaluated on a numeric grading scale
- are listed on the official Transcript of Records
Only in cases where some individual courses are combined into a bigger module on the Transcript of Records including only one total grade for all the courses included in the module and with no individual evaluation for the included courses available, the combined total grade will be included in the arithmetic GPA.
Grade for the Final Thesis is included in the arithmetic GPA while failed grades are excluded from it.
Courses without a related study unit such as ECTS credit, credit, credit hour etc. are excluded from the arithmetic GPA even if the course having been evaluated on a numeric grading scale.
Courses completed outside the degree as well as courses included in the degree that have been credited or compensated are excluded from the arithmetic GPA unless the degree-awarding university having graded them on a numeric grading scale.
All the courses included in the arithmetic GPA must be listed on the official Transcript of Records for the degree you must be applying with.
The arithmetic GPA will be first checked and verified by LUT University and in case of the original grading scale not having been on a scale of 1.00 - 5.00, the arithmetic GPA will be converted by LUT University on this scale during the evaluation process. Finally, the arithmetic GPA with two decimals will be evaluated.
Letter of Motivation + Letter of Recommendation
+ Overall Impression for the Application, max. 7 points
Your motivation will be assessed through a Letter of Motivation.
Explain why you wish to apply to this programme. Let the Admission Committee know through examples on how your strengths seen from the academic or other aspect are related to this programme and how graduating from this programme would support your career plans in the future. Feel free to list also other issues for your motivation towards studying in this programme.
In addition to your Letter of Motivation, remember to upload a Letter of Recommendation to your application form as well.
The applicant must follow the practices of scientific writing: documents related to the application process such as Letter of Motivation must be written by the applicant. It must not present other people's ideas, information, words or other material without a sufficient reference. Artificial intelligence is not a source of scientific text. The applicant must ensure that the source entries are correct.