Antti Pinomaa

Antti Pinomaa
Associate professor
Electrical Engineering
LUT School of Energy Systems
LUT Focus Areas
Energy - Transition to carbon neutrality
Research areas
Electrical and Electronic Engineering


Antti Pinomaa received his M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, in 2009 and 2013, respectively. Since 2014 he has worked as post-doctoral researcher, and since 2022 as Associate Professor (non-tenure) in the Laboratory of Electicity Markets and Power Systems, Electrical Engineering, School of Energy Systems at Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT. His research interests include DC distribution, smart grid, and both grid-connected and off-grid micro grids, as well as those applications and information and communication technologies, including wireless 4th and 5th generation mobile networks; 4G & 5G.

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