Challenges in finding a connection between IL education and research problem formulation | 2015 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Talikka Marja, Värri Hanna, Eskelinen Harri, Rimppi Heli Engineering LUT School of Energy Systems
Does IL Education Have an Impact on Undergraduate Engineering Students' Research Skills | 2014 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Talikka Marja, Eskelinen Harri, Värri Hanna
The compilation of doctoral research at LUT Graduate School 2014 | 2014 Publication type D6 Edited professional book Author(s) Värri Hanna, Asikainen Sanna-Katriina, Kallioinen Mari, Kuisma Mikko, Lohtander Mika, Tervonen Nina, Virkki-Hatakka Terhi
Blended learning in information literacy education. How to make the resources stretch? | 2013 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Talikka Marja, Tahvanainen Iris, Värri Hanna
Enhancing landfill gas recovery | 2012 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Niskanen Antti, Värri Hanna, Havukainen Jouni, Uusitalo Ville, Horttanainen Mika
Suitability of wastewater sludge for utilization in the Leningrad Region (Russia) | 2010 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Värri Hanna, Havukainen Jouni, Horttanainen Mika Environmental Engineering Environmental Science Environmental Science (miscellaneous) Waste Management and Disposal LUT School of Energy Systems
Jätteiden ja sivutuotteiden hyötykäytön yhteistyön haasteet ja mahdollisuudet Kaakkois-Suomen ja Pietarin sekä Leningradin alueella, Material Exchange – hankkeen loppuraportti | 2008 Publication type Other Author(s) Honkanen Hannariina, Värri Hanna, Horttanainen Mika, Luoranen Mika, Soukka Risto, Alve Hanna Environmental Engineering Waste Management and Disposal LUT School of Energy Systems
Case Studies of Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction in North-West Russia | 2007 Publication type Other Author(s) Värri Hanna, Kaikko Juha, Horttanainen Mika, Linnanen Lassi
Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the District Heating System of Vyborg | 2007 Publication type Other Author(s) Värri Hanna, Kaikko Juha, Linnanen Lassi, Horttanainen Mika