The aim of the project is to provide information on emerging pollutants, especially microplastics and pharmaceuticals, discharged into the environment via wastewater treatment plants in southern part of Lake Saimaa. In addition, the project compares the removal efficiencies of different types of wastewater treatment plants for selected contaminants, examines the ability of selected existing sludge treatment methods to remove emerging pollutants from sewage sludge, and provides information on the presence of emerging pollutants in wastewater and the lake environment.
Project funding
European Regional Development fund
Project period
1.1.2020 – 31.12.2022

Project description
The project investigates the presence of emerging pollutants, especially microplastics and pharmaceuticals, in the wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of southern parts of Lake Saimaa and in the lake areas receiving the treated wastewater. In addition, the load of these pollutants discharged to the lake via WWTPs is assessed together with their transport in the lake environment. The project also investigates the removal efficiency and transport of selected contaminants at wastewater treatment plants, and examines the ability of selected sludge treatment methods to remove emerging pollutants from sewage sludge.
The information on the current situation of these pollutants will be an important starting point in the future, when the legislation on emerging pollutants becomes more stringent for wastewater treatment plants. The results will also enable the strengthening of the business of companies providing wastewater and sludge treatment solutions.
Project goals
The aim of the project is to provide comprehensive information on emerging pollutants discharged into the lake environment through the studied wastewater treatment plants, with a special focus on microplastics and selected pharmaceuticals. In addition, the aim is to compare the treatment efficiencies of different types of wastewater treatment processes for these pollutants and to provide different parties information on the occurrence of emerging pollutants in wastewater and the aquatic environment.
European Regional Development fund, Mikkelin Vesilaitos, Savonlinnan Vesi, Nanopar Oy, Savitaipaleen kunta, Puumalan vesiosuuskunta ja Eco WWS Oy

Contact information

Mirka Viitala