LUTin hiilijalanjäljen (2022) jakautuminen eri päästöluokkiin

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The carbon footprint is calculated with the GHG Protocol, which classifies emissions (t CO2 eq) into three scopes. 

Scope 1 includes direct emissions that occur from sources owned or controlled by the organisation. At LUT, this means a fleet of five corporate cars, which accounts for merely 0.4% of the carbon footprint. 

Scope 2 includes purchased electricity, which at LUT is renewable and carbon neutral as such, ie. 0%.

Scope 3 includes indirect emissions related to the university’s activities.

LUTin hiilijalanjälki 2022

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99.6% of LUT’s carbon footprint belongs to scope 3. A major contributor to these  emissions is staff and student commuting.

Other major sources of emissions are district heating, business travel and food service. 

District heating is included in LUT’s property rent, so the emissions are placed under scope 3 considering the control approach according to the GHG Protocol Standard. The emissions from district heating are compensated for by the property owner.

We focus on environmental handprint

Climate impact assessments have traditionally examined the carbon footprint. At LUT, we also pay attention to the environmental handprint.