Laura Albareda

Laura Albareda
Full professor (tenured)
Business Studies
LUT Business School
Research areas
Business, Management and Accounting


Laura Albareda is Associate Professor of Sustainable Business at the School of Business and Management - LUT University. She has a strong research expertise in business sustainability and CSR, business collective action and value creation and commons organizing. At LBM, Albareda is co-head of the research team Sustainable Business: Cross-sector Interactions & Systemic Change (Organizing for Grand Challenges). Previously, she has been assistant professor at Deusto Business School (where she is still visiting professor), post-doctoral fellow at Boston College and researcher and lecturer at ESADE Business School. She has participated in numerous research projects funded by EU, Spanish government and private foundations. She has been PI of the research group on Sustainable Business and democratization between Deusto Business School and ESADE Business School. She has been visiting scholar at Boston University, Ivey Business School & Amsterdam Business School. Albareda is author of more than 31 refereed scientific articles, 20 scientific books and 14 chapters in scientific books and 16 conference publications in the field of business and sustainability, CSR, and sustainable and circular business models. Her research on business collective action has been awarded by the Carolyn Dexter Award for Best International Paper in 2018 and Best Business Ethics Paper Award in 2019 at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (USA). Her research on commons organizing has been awarded (accesit) at 2020 III Edition of the Research Awards in Business Ethics - The Chair of Economic and Business Ethics of the University of Pontificia Comillas and Bankinter Consumer Finance in Spain.

Lines of research:
(1) Business sustainability, value creation and business strategy
(2) Business collective action & polycentric governance
(3) CSR & cross-sector interactions
(4) Circular economy and innovation for sustainability

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