The unemployed and those at risk of unemployment have few skills relevant to the region's growth companies and industries with growth potential. Jobseekers in the region may also have a lack of employability skills that make recruitment difficult. The project will bring together people working in SMEs in the region, university students and graduates, international and vocational school graduates, people at risk of unemployment and people who are difficult to employ. The project will support unemployed and disadvantaged young people in finding employment and provide companies with new recruitment and induction methods.
The aim of the project is to reduce breaks in young people's educational pathways, increase individuals' level of education and improve employability. The skills needs of companies will be better targeted and their recruitment capacity will be improved. The project also aims to diversify the economic structure of the Kymenlaakso region and develop RDI activities and cooperation between companies. It also develops companies' capacity for innovation and cooperation readiness.
Project funding:
ELY Centre for Häme

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