The focus of Project PERSIST is to analyse the role of Purchasing and Supply Management (PSM) in the era of I4.0 (machine-to-machine communication).
This underlying subject is developing in a fast pace and higher education needs to prepare for the role of new content and new forms of education. New competencies will be required and the need for new, interactive, student-centred teaching approaches is subsequent. The project members see the opportunity to benefit from the technology changes to support future education. A tailored education system will help to develop future competencies.
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-NL01-KA203-060501
Project period
09/2019 – 08/2022

The PERSIST project results are divided into five intellectual outputs (IO). Main goal is to provide a course which teach these novel skills to students.
The PERSIST consortium consists of five partners University Twente, TU University Dortmund, LUT University, Edge Hill University and EUB Bratislava with complementary skills in order to achieve the project objective and milestones.

Elina Karttunen