This supports the renewal of business sector in a way that the food sector will be remarkable part of economic structure in Kymenlaakso. Kymenlaakso will be known especially for its high technological competence, strong innovation capability, and sustainable supply chains in the food sector. The project supports the renewal of regions economic structure by strengthening the innovativeness of food sector and fosters the development sustainable solutions for food sector, especially technology and logistics related solutions. Premises of long-term company-university cooperation are strengthened by connecting companies closer to academic research and innovations activities. The project promotes sustainable renewal and diversification of regions economic structure.
The project is divided into three synergic work packages:
- WP 1 University education as the basis of the innovation ecosystem
- WP2 Development of RDI-activities
- WP 3 Internationalization
Project funding:
Kymenlaakson liitto
Alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukeminen -määräraha (AKKE) Äkilliseen rakennemuutostilanteeseen vastaaminen (ÄRM)

Contact information

Matti Lampinen