SDG values poster Desent work and Economic Growth in LUT School of Business and Management
Created 8.6.2022
Updated 23.8.2024

The LUT Business School is engaged in the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) initiative, which aims to incorporate internationally recognized sustainable values into business education and research. The LUT Business School reports on its actions for responsibility regularly, and its latest Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Report won first prize in its category in the PRME Global Forum.

The school’s report came in first in the category ‘Emerging’ for schools that have published two to four reports. The report was compiled by Post-Doctoral Researcher Laura Olkkonen, who is very happy about the victory and believes that it will bring the LUT Business School more international visibility. She hopes that the school’s award-winning report will become a benchmark for other members of the global PRME network.

”This is a noteworthy acknowledgement, as PRME has over 800 member organizations. Winners were selected in three categories: First Time Report, Emerging, and Established. Our SIP report is largely based on AACSB reporting, which evaluates education and research quality, on LUT University’s responsibility reporting, and naturally, on all the work by the LUT Business School and LUT University to promote responsibility. This is an amazing achievement for us all, thanks to our joint efforts,” Olkkonen says.

Laura Olkkonen.
Responsibility is a cross-cutting goal at the LUT Business School. That is why we are able to report comprehensively on goal-oriented actions in all areas.
Laura Olkkonen
Post-Doctoral Researcher

The PRME organization presents awards for SIP reports based specifically on the quality of reporting. In addition, the organization examines how business schools share information on the promotion of PRME’s principles.

The PRME jury shared its thoughts on LUT's report:

"The jury felt that LUT's report was excellent in terms of both accessibility and providing a comprehensive insight through both metrics and “case” examples. While the jury felt that the more objectives could be set to each principle, they highlighted how the design clearly showed the differences throughout the years along with how they plan to implement strategies moving forward."

”Responsibility is a cross-cutting goal in all degree programmes at the LUT Business School. That is why we are able to report comprehensively on goal-oriented actions in all areas – values, education, research, partnership and dialogue,” Olkkonen sums up.

What is PRME?

  • Established by the United Nations in 2007
  • A forum aiming to scale up accomplishments in sustainability and responsibility in business schools around the world
  • Voluntary initiative
  • LUT Business School involved since 2015, has published three SIP reports
  • 800 member organizations from around the world
  • LUT focuses especially on six of the UN’s sustainable development goals: decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, responsible consumption and production, affordable and clean energy, climate action, clean water and sanitation, and partnerships for the goals.

See how responsible actions are present in the everyday activity of the LUT Business School and LUT University:

More information:

AACSB logo – Business Accreditation Seal.

Further reading: