The Finnish Society for Computer Science announced the information systems scientist of the year at the Annual Symposium of Computer Science in Oulu on 13 June 2023. The award was granted to Najmul Islam, professor of digital transformation at LUT University’s Department of Software Engineering. This year, the award panel emphasized contributions to the development of the academic community in addition to academic merit.
Najmul Islam has published in top scientific journals and conferences, and in recent years, he has been cited over 2 000 times annually. He conducts research on responsible, trustworthy and lawful digital system design and development using blockchain and artificial intelligence. His research also focuses on the impacts of digital systems on individuals and organizations. He was recently promoted on the tenure track from associate professor to full professor.
“I’m very honoured to be recognized as the information systems scientist of the year in Finland. The award highlights achievements in terms of publishing in top outlets and developing a research group at LUT in the area of information systems. It underlines the significance of the research fields we are working on,” says Najmul Islam.

Software engineering at LUT focuses on the real-life operation of organizations: the relationship between technical process and procedure, user experiences and solutions. The degree programme has grown rapidly. Five years ago, its intake was only 30 students per year – now the number is 300. LUT’s software engineering department offers six fields of specialization on the Lappeenranta and Lahti campuses. The largest group of LUT students in Lahti are in the software engineering programme.
The information systems scientist of the year Najmul Islam shares his story:
“I came to Finland 16 years ago to complete a master’s degree, and now I have made my way to professor. That’s an encouraging story, isn’t it? I’m convinced that LUT’s research and education in software engineering are exactly what we need today.”
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