Measuring the impacts of remote work in the Finnish defence forces – Development of the validated measurement scale | 2025 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kähkönen Tiina, Vanhala Mika, Huhtinen Aki-Mauri Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society LUT Business School
Autonomy and Knowledge Processes - a Systematic Literary Review | 2023 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Pekkanen Jarmo, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society LUT Business School
Employee trust-repair practices: scale development and validation | 2023 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kähkönen Tiina, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society Finance Services LUT Business School
Knowledge-Based Human Resource Management, Logistics Capability, and Organizational Performance in Small Finnish Logistics Service Providers | 2023 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Evangelista Pietro, Kianto Aino, Hussinki Henri, Vanhala Mika, Nisula Anna-Maija Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society LUT Business School
Role of managerial innovativeness for small Finnish firms' product and market performance | 2023 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Nisula Anna-Maija, Vanhala Mika, Hussinki Henri, Kianto Aino Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society Study and international services LUT Business School
Mielenterveyshankkeiden implementoinnin edistäminen työpaikalla – sisäisen markkinoinnin näkökulma | 2022 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Lamminen Sanna, Vanhala Mika, Kianto Aino Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society LUT Business School
To protect or not to protect? Renewal capital, knowledge protection and innovation performance | 2022 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Ritala Paavo, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Hussinki Henri Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society Strategy and Management Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) Management of Technology and Innovation LUT Business School
Employee trust repair: A systematic review of 20 years of empirical research and future research directions | 2021 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kähkönen Tiina, Blomqvist Kirsimarja, Gillespie Nicole, Vanhala Mika Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Finance Services LUT Business School
How Trust in One’s Employer Moderates the Relationship Between HRM and Engagement Related Performance | 2021 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Dietz Graham
Organisational and individual resources as antecedents of older nursing professionals’ organisational commitment: Investigating the mediating role of the active use of selection, optimization and compensation strategies | 2021 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Salminen Hanna, von Bonsdorff Monika, Vanhala Mika, McPhee Deborah, Miettinen Merja
Organisational Trust and Performance in Different Contexts | 2021 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Tzafrir Shay S.
Putting knowledge to work: the combined role of marketing and sales employees’ knowledge and motivation to produce superior customer experiences | 2021 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Peñalba-Aguirrezabalaga Carmela, Saenz Josune, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika Leadership and Management Marketing Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) LUT Business School
The role of perceived passion in temporary creativity | 2021 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Nisula Anna-Maija, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
Reflections on the criteria for the sound measurement of intellectual capital: A knowledge-based perspective | 2020 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kianto Aino, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Hussinki Henri
The role of employee incentives and motivation on organisational innovativeness in different organisational cultures | 2020 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Järveläinen Katja Strategy and Management Management of Technology and Innovation LUT Business School
The role of Marketers' Knowledge and Motivation in the Generation of Positive Customer Experience | 2020 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Peñalba-Aguirrezabalaga Carmela, Sáenz Josune, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika Business and society - Sustainable renewal of business, industry and society LUT Business School
What drives the development of intellectual capital? A longitudinal study | 2020 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo, Hussinki Henri Business, Management and Accounting LUT Business School
Are you passionate? – Are we trustworthy? A dyadic view on affective and cognitive passion in trustworthiness | 2019 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Nisula Anna-Maija, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
How Trust in One’s Employer Moderates the Relationship Between HRM and Engagement Related Performance | 2019 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Dietz Graham
Human capital mobility and disruption of an organization’s social capital | 2019 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Hussinki Henri, Vanhala Mika Economics, Econometrics and Finance Business, Management and Accounting LUT Business School
Organisaation tukitoimintojen vaikutus esimiehen organisatoriseen luottamukseen irtisanomisiin johtaneissa yt-prosesseissa | 2019 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vuosmaa Susanna, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
Perceived HIWPs and career management self-efficacy as antecedents of organizational commitment - testing the mediating role of SOC strategies | 2019 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Salminen Hanna, Vanhala Mika, von Bonsdorff Mikaela, von Bonsdorff Monika
Right job or not? – The roles of organizational engagement, support and virtual community trust | 2019 Publication type Other Author(s) Toth Ilona, Sintonen Sanna, Vanhala Mika, Olkkonen Laura
The usage of large data sets in online consumer behaviour: A bibliometric and computational text-mining–driven analysis of previous research | 2019 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Lu Chien, Peltonen Jaakko, Sundqvist Sanna, Nummenmaa Jyrki, Järvelin Kalervo
Trust as an organizational knowledge sharing enabler - validation of the impersonal trust scale | 2019 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika
User motivation and knowledge sharing in idea crowdsourcing | 2019 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Kosonen Miia, Gan Chunmei, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
Work Engagement Across Different Generations in Finland: A Qualitative Study of Boomers, Yers and Xers | 2019 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Suomäki Anu, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika
Happy Employees Make Happy Customers: The Role of Intellectual Capital in Supporting Sustainable Value Creation in Organizations | 2018 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Hussinki Henri, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo
HRM bundles and organizational trust | 2018 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Ahteela Riikka, Vanhala Mika
Interpersonal Dynamics in Temporary Co-Creation - A Dyadic View on Perceived Passion | 2018 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Nisula Anna-Maija, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
Mangerial innovativeness and firm performance in small logistic companies | 2018 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Nisula Anna-Maija, Vanhala Mika, Hussinki Henri, Kianto Aino
Perceived High Involvement Work Practices and Retirement Intentions | 2018 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Salminen Hanna, Vanhala Mika, von Bonsdorff Mikaela, von Bonsdorff Monika
The state of knowledge management in logistics SMEs: evidence from two Finnish regions | 2018 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kianto Aino, Hussinki Henri, Vanhala Mika, Nisula Anna-Maija
To protect or not to protect? Renewal capital, knowledge protection, and innovation performance | 2018 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Ritala Paavo, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Hussinki Henri Other Focus Area Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) LUT Business School
A temporal perspective to IC dynamics: How has IC changed in Finnish firms from 2013 to 2017? | 2017 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Kianto Aino, Hussinki Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika
Assessing the universality of knowledge management practices | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Hussinki Henri, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo
How much does firm-specific intellectual capital vary? Cross-industry and cross-national comparison | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Sáenz Josune, Aramburu Nekane, Buenechea Marta, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo Business, Management and Accounting
Improving performance of logistics SMEs through knowledge management | 2017 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Kianto Aino, Nisula Anna-Maija, Hussinki Henri, Vanhala Mika
Intellectual capital profiles and financial performance of the firm | 2017 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Hussinki Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Kianto Aino
Intellectual capital, knowledge management practices and firm performance | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Hussinki Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Kianto Aino
Perceived development opportunities and the use of SOC strategies as antecedents of older nursing professionals’ retirement intentions | 2017 Publication type B3 Unrefereed conference proceedings Author(s) Salminen Hanna, von Bonsdorff Monika, Vanhala Mika, von Bonsdorff Mikaela Other Focus Area
Structure of intellectual capital - an international comparison | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo Strategy and Management Accounting Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) LUT Business School
The Impact of Knowledge Management on the Market Performance of Companies | 2017 Publication type A3 Book section, chapters in research books Author(s) Kianto Aino, Hussinki Henri, Vanhala Mika
The roles of employee’s incentives and motivation for organizational innovativeness in different organizational cultures | 2017 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Järveläinen Katja
When the fit between HR practices backfires: Exploring the interaction effects between rewards for and appraisal of knowledge behaviours on innovation | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Andreeva Tatiana, Vanhala Mika, Sergeeva Anastasia, Ritala Paavo, Kianto Aino
Work-related attitudes as antecedents of perceived individual-, unit- and organisation-level performance | 2017 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Salminen Hanna, Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia
Antecedents of older nurses’ different retirement intentions - focus on perceived development opportunities | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Salminen Hanna, von Bonsdorff Monika, Vanhala Mika, von Bonsdorff Mikaela
Appropriability profiles - Different actors, different outcomes | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Vanhala Mika, Olander Heidi
HRM practices, impersonal trust and organizational innovativeness | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo
Ikääntyvien hoitajien kokemat HR-käytänteet ja eläkeaikomukset | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Salminen Hanna, von Bonsdorff Monika, Vanhala Mika, von Bonsdorff Mikaela
Innovation appropriability portfolios of different actors - An empirical examination | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Vanhala Mika, Olander Heidi
Intellectual capital, knowledge management practices and firm performance | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Kianto Aino
Moderating role of the organizational trust in the relationship between job satisfaction and performance | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Salminen Hanna, Heilmann Pia
Organizational Trust Dimensions as Antecedents of Organizational Commitment | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia, Salminen Hanna
Preserving prerequisites for innovation: Employee-related knowledge protection and organizational trust | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
The impact of knowledge management on job satisfaction | 2016 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia Business, Management and Accounting
Trust profiles of the employees: The effect on commitment and job satisfaction | 2016 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Salminen Hanna
HR-related knowledge protection and innovation performance: The moderating effect of trust | 2015 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
HRM, Trust in Employer and Organizational Performance | 2015 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Dietz Graham
Intellectual capital profiles and innovation performance | 2015 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Kianto Aino Business, Management and Accounting
Knowledge Management Practices and Innovation Performance in Finland | 2015 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika
The effect of job satisfaction and commitment to organizational performance | 2015 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Salminen Hanna, Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia
The impact of competence-development opportunities on organizational commitment and the mediating role of job satisfaction | 2015 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Heilmann Pia, Vanhala Mika, Salminen Hanna
Assessing Measurement Invariance of Intellectual Capital | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo, Kianto Aino Strategy and Management
Building intra-organizational trust with managerial communications | 2014 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Seppänen Risto, Kosonen Miia, Vanhala Mika, Ellonen Hanna-Kaisa
Comparison of the Intellectual Capital between Finland and Spain | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Aramburu Nekane, Sáenz Martinez Josune, Buenechea Marta, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo
Facets of Appropriability – Knowledge Protection Mechanisms Serving Different Purposes | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia
HRM and trust in employer organization: Does trust in managers have a role? | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika
Intellectual capital and performance – Empirical findings from Finnish firms | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Inkinen Henri, Kianto Aino, Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo Strategy and Management
Managing innovation with HRM practices in emerging market firms: Evidence from Russian and Chinese companies | 2014 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Ritala Paavo, Andreeva Tatiana, Vanhala Mika, Inkinen Henri, Kianto Aino, Sergeeva Anastasia Strategy and Management Management of Technology and Innovation
Mission: possible but sensitive – Knowledge protection mechanisms serving different purposes | 2014 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Olander Heidi, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Vanhala Mika
Reasons for choosing mechanisms to protect knowledge and innovations | 2014 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia
The interaction of intellectual capital assets and knowledge management practices in organizational value creation | 2014 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kianto Aino, Ritala Paavo, Spender J-C, Vanhala Mika Strategy and Management Business, Management and Accounting Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
User motivation and knowledge sharing in idea crowdsourcing | 2014 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Kosonen Miia, Gan Chunmei, Vanhala Mika, Blomqvist Kirsimarja Strategy and Management Business and International Management
Moderating effect of organizational trust on the relationship between HRM related protection and innovation performance | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
Relationships of protecting prerequisites of innovation, HRM, and organizational trust | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia, Blomqvist Kirsimarja
The impact of knowledge management practices on organizational performance | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Kianto Aino, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika, Inkinen Henri Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Strategy and Management
The interaction of intellectual capital stocks and knowledge management practices in organizational value creation | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Kianto Aino, Inkinen Henri, Ritala Paavo, Vanhala Mika Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Strategy and Management Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous)
The moderating role of organizational trust in the relationshiop between job satisfaction and organizational commitment | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia, Salminen Hanna Business, Management and Accounting
The relationship between organizational trust and performance | 2013 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika Business, Management and Accounting
The relationship between HRM practices and organizational trust - a comparison between interpersonal and impersonal dimensions | 2012 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Den Hartog Deanne, Blomqvist Kirsimarja Management of Technology and Innovation
The relationship between impersonal organizational trust and employees’ commitment to their employer organization | 2012 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Heilmann Pia Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management Management of Technology and Innovation
The role of managerial communications in trust building | 2012 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Seppänen Risto, Kosonen Miia, Ellonen Hanna-Kaisa, Vanhala Mika
Users' motivations and knowledge sharing in an online innovation community | 2012 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Kosonen Miia, Gan Chunmei, Blomqvist Kirsimarja, Vanhala Mika
Impersonal trust - the development of the construct and the scale | 2011 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Puumalainen Kaisu, Blomqvist Kirsimarja Strategy and Management Management of Technology and Innovation
Impersonal trust within the organization: what, how, and why? | 2011 Publication type G5 Doctoral dissertation (article) Author(s) Vanhala Mika Management of Technology and Innovation
The effect of HRM practices on impersonal organizational trust | 2011 Publication type A1 Journal article (refereed), original research Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ahteela Riikka Management of Technology and Innovation
Trust in one's employer: Main and moderating effects in the relationship between HRM and performance | 2011 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Dietz Graham, Vanhala Mika Management of Technology and Innovation
Validation of the Impersonal Trust Scale | 2011 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika Management of Technology and Innovation
Does 'Impersonal trust' mediate the impact of HRM on individual, unit and organisational performance: evidence from Finland | 2010 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Dietz Graham Management of Technology and Innovation
Testing invariance of the impersonal trust scale | 2010 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika
The choice of governance mechanisms for knowledge and innovations in R&D collaboration | 2010 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Olander Heidi, Vanhala Mika, Hurmelinna-Laukkanen Pia Strategy and Management Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) Management of Technology and Innovation
The role of HRM and trust in climate for innovations. | 2010 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ritala Paavo Management of Technology and Innovation
The role of HRM practices in impersonal organizational trust | 2009 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ahteela Riikka
The Role of HRM practices in Organizational Trust | 2009 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ahteela Riikka
HRM bundles and organizational trust | 2008 Publication type A4 Conference proceedings Author(s) Vanhala Mika, Ahteela Riikka