Dominik Siemon

I work as Assistant Professor for Information Systems and Service Development at LUT University in Software Engineering at the School of Engineering Science since June 2021. Prior to that, I was a part-time professor of business information systems at IU International University of Applied Sciences and a postdoctoral researcher and junior research group leader at Braunschweig University of Technology in Germany. I received my doctorate (Dr. rer. pol) in 2019 (summa cum laude) from Braunschweig University of Technology where I worked as a research assistant at the chair of information systems at the institute of business information systems. During this time I also held a number of visiting lecturer and researcher positions, for example at Jacobs University in Bremen, Technical University Sofia, Harz University of Applied Sciences, LUT School of Business and Management, and many other institutions. During my time as a research assistant and postdoctoral researcher, I worked for several third-party-funded projects and successfully applied for third-party funding with a volume of about 4 million euros.
In particular, I study the use of intelligent systems, such as conversational agents, in the context of digital collaboration and human-computer interaction. In my research, I use different empirical as well as design-oriented methods, ranging from quantitative surveys to qualitative interviews. One focus of my research is the elaboration of design knowledge according to the design science research paradigm.
My research has been published in leading conferences such as the International Conference on Information Systems and in journals such as Information Systems Frontiers, Behaviour & Information Technology, Human-Computer Interaction, and the Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
Currently I'm serving as associate editor for the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) and WI (Wirtschaftsinformatik Conference). I am a regular reviewer for the MIS Quarterly, Creativity and Innovation Management, Computers & Education, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Behaviour & Information Technology, Business Information Systems Engineering and many information systems conferences.
My research was funded by several institutions and foundations, such as the Hans Riegel-Stiftung, Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Germany), Volkswagen Foundation and European Social Fund+.
Visit my ResearchGahte ( profile and Google Scholar ( for more about my publications.
My teaching involves active participation and modern elements such as flipped classroom or gamification.