Esa Vakkilainen

2014-2017 Visiting professor, St Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Department of Nuclear and Energy engineering, St Petersburg
- lectures on Bioenergy Technology
- lectures on Energy Systems Engineering
- lectures on Steam boilers
- lectures on Thermal power systems
- lectures on Waste heat recovery
2012-2016 LUT Head of doctoral program Energy
2009-2016 LUT Head of degree program Energy
2012-2014 Vice Dean, Faculty of Technology, Lappeenranta University of Technology (In charge of education)
2009-2014 LUT Energy Head of International Degree Program Bio-Energy
2001-2009 Leading expert recovery, Pöyry Forest Industry Oy, Forest Industry Engineering, Recovery, Energy and Environment
- area manager for recovery for several green field mills
- responsible for recovery feasibility studies in all continents
- development of recommendations for fining NCG in recovery boiler
- expert advice on recovery boilers, black liquor gasification, biofuel production, electricity generation etc.
2000-2001 Senior development manager, Andritz-Ahlstrom Corporation, Kraft Mill Business
- responsible for technical content in recovery boiler proposals
- responsible for guarantees in recovery boiler proposals
- development of standards for recovery boiler offerings
1992-2000 Senior research manager, Ahlstrom Machinery Corporation, Recovery processes
- management of research team
- directing national and international co-operative research
- use of artificial intelligence tools in steam generator design
- development of visual interface of design environment
- environmental policy analysis
- development of new recovery boiler air system
- spraying of high dry solids liquors
- use of cell automation in combustion simulations
1988-1991 Development manager, CAE, A. Ahlström Osakeyhtiö, Varkaus
- management of CAE
- steam and water circulation
- black liquor combustion
- pressurized gasification of biofuels
- fouling of heat transfer surfaces
- off-design behavior of steam generators
1985-1988 Process engineer, Ahlstrom Boiler Works, Varkaus
- combustion of biofuels
- material and energy balances
- heat transfer in steam generators
- fluidized bed burning process
- responsible for development of new generation of dimensioning
programs for steam generator thermal design
1984-1985 Assistant professor (yliassistentti) of Power plants, Lappeenranta University of Technology
- furnace heat transfer
- optimization of combined cycle processes
- district heating
- combustion of biofuels
1981-1984 Researcher, Lappeenranta University of Technology
- small steam generator process, design and testing
- solar technology for electricity generation
- efficient use of energy and heat in industry
I have been involved with majority of recent worldwide purchases of biomass boilers for pulp and paper industry. Especially their environmental performance and emissions are of better focus.
I have lectured on boilers in technical conferences at all major continents and am interested in publishing also for educational purposes.
Teaching postgraduate courses
2009 - BH10AJ100 Postgraduate Course in Energy Technology (E)
2012 Jyväskylä Summer School
2012 - 2013 BL50A2100 Bioenergy and Biorefineries in Forest Industry at LUT Summer School (E)
Teaching university courses
At Lappeenranta University of Technology
2003 Kattilatekniikan Jatkokurssi; Soodakattilat (Advanced boiler course)
2008 - BH50A0500 Poltto- ja kattilatekniikan perusteet (Basics of boilers)
2008 - BH50A0800 Höyrykattilatekniikka (Steam boilers)
2008 - 2013 BH50A1100 Energiajärjestelmien suunnittelu (Energy system design)
2008 - 2014 BH50A1200 Energy Systems Engineering (E)
2008 - BH50A1400 Steam Boilers (E)
2008 - BH50A1500 Bioenergy Technology Solutions (E)
2008 - 2014 BH50A1600 Waste Heat Recovery Techniques (E)
2012 - 2013 BH50A2100 Bioenergy and Biorefineries in Forest industry (E)
2013 - BH50A1800 Energiajärjestelmien suunnittelun perusteet (Basics of energy system design)
2014 - BH50A1900 Energiajärjestelmien kehitys (Developmeent of Energy systems)
At Aalto University (previously Helsinki University of Technology)
2001 - 2003 Steam boilers (Höyrykattilatekniikka)
2004 Kraft Recovery Boilers (E)
2014 Kraft Recovery Boilers (E)
International Courses
2007 Pulp Mill Energy and Recovery Processes, Universidad de la República/ Facultad de Ingeniería Montevideo, Uruguay (E)
2014 - 2017 Lectures on design of large steam generators, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia (E)
2014 - 2016 Lectures on waste heat recovery, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia (E)
2015 - 2016 Lectures on Bioenergy technology solutions, Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University, Russia (E)
2016 Short Course on Thermochemical Conversion “Focusing on pulp mill opportunities”, Federal University of Viçosa, February 22-25, 2016, Brazil (E)
2016 Short Course on “Modern Pulp Mill Recovery and Energy”, Federal University of Minas Gerais, August 29-September 1, 2016, Brazil (E)
Teaching professional courses (samples)
1996 & 1998 BLRBAC Atlanta Georgia
1996 - 2012 Recovery boiler courses I and II organized by POHTO
2005 Recuperação e Energia (Recovery and energy) organized by Technicelpa, Tomar, Portugal
2012 Finnish pulping course organized by AEL
2009 - 2016 Energy manager course organized by AEL
2016 Short Course on Thermochemical Conversion “Focusing on pulp mill opportunities” organized by UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
2017 Mondi International on Corrosion and materials