Antti Kosonen

Antti Kosonen
Full professor (tenured)
Electrical Engineering
LUT School of Energy Systems


Antti Kosonen was born in Imatra, Finland, in 1980. He received the M.Sc. and D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), Lappeenranta, Finland, in 2005 and 2008, respectively. He is currently a professor (tenured) of system technology and applications in renewable electricity generation at the Department of Electrical Engineering, LUT. Currently, he is the director in LUT GreenRenew research platform and the main projects are OffGridH2, FinH2, Bio-CCU, B2RECoM, and StoRIES. He was a researcher in internationally recognized Neo-Carbon Energy, Soletair, and P2XEnable projects. In the Soletair project, chemicals were produced directly from the sun and air. He has built up a zero-energy log house project. He has been developed a loss measurement technique, which is included into a new international energy efficiency standard. He has been applied bi-directional broadband power line communication in a motor cable between a frequency converter and a motor first time in the world. He has 121 publications with h-index of 25 and five patents in total. He is involved in the boards of both Energy Plus Engineering and Neovolt companies and is also their founding member. Currently, he is the representative of LUT University in the EERA JP on Energy Storage and EERA JP on Energy Systems Integration consortia. His current research interests include power-to-X systems, water electrolyzers, solar power, energy efficiency, calorimetric measurement systems, and power line communication. At LUT, Antti teaches digital signal processing and solar PV. In addition, he gives specialist lectures in other courses.

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