Behnam ivatloo

Behnam ivatloo
Electrical Engineering
LUT School of Energy Systems
LUT Painopisteet
Energia – kohti hiilineutraalia maailmaa
Research areas
Energia- ja voimatekniikka
Päätöstieteet (muut)
Sähkötekniikka ja elektroniikka
Uusiutuva energia, kestävyys ja ympäristö
Energia (muut)


Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, PhD, is a Professor of sector coupling in energy systems at LUT University, Lappeenranta, Finland. He has a mix of high-level experience in research, teaching, administration and voluntary jobs at the national and international levels.  He was PI or CO-PI in more than 20 externally funded research projects. He has been a Senior Member of IEEE since 2017 and a Member of the Governing Board of the Iran Energy Association since 2013, where he was elected President in 2019. His main areas of interest are integrated energy systems, sector coupling, renewable energies, energy storage systems, microgrids, and smart grids.

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