This research project focuses on the role of entrepreneurial and managerial cognitions in internationalization decision making. Specifically, we look at how decision making heuristics and biases - the mental shortcuts and biases emanating from those shortcuts - influence entrepreneurial decisions in internationalization, e.g., opportunity recognition, market selection, entry mode choice, early and rapid internationalization, etc.
Research questions
The main research questions we seek to answer include, but are not limited to:
- How do owner-managers' primary affective heuristics (resulting from prior experience) and biases (resulting from heuristics) influence initial internationalization decisions, and later on transform into adaptive heuristics and biases in the post-entry stages?
- How do managerial cognitive heuristics and biases influence strategic orientations, internationalization decision making (e.g. international opportunity recognition & exploitation, market selection and entry mode decisions), as well as international performance?
- How does corona epidemic influence the impact of heuristics and biases in internationalization decision making?
Project staff
Olli Kuivalainen (Principal Investigator; D.Sc. Econ. & Bus. Adm.) is a Professor of International Marketing and Entrepreneurship at LUT University School of Business and Management. His expertise covers broad areas of international business, marketing, entrepreneurship and technology management and their interfaces. His research interests are in the areas of international entrepreneurship, and strategic management, marketing and internationalization of knowledge-intensive firms, the focus especially being on firms operating in the domains of software business and media, and information and communication technologies. His academic work has been published in journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, International Business Review, Journal of International Marketing, Technovation, International Marketing Review, International Journal of Production Economics and Journal of International Entrepreneurship.

Olli Kuivalainen
Anisur Faroque (Project manager, PhD. International Business & Entrepreneurship) is a researcher and teacher at LUT School of Business and Management. His areas of expertise are related especially to the internationalization of SMEs, export assistance, entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, network exploration and exploitation, as well as the role of entrepreneurial/managerial cognitive heuristics and biases in internationalization decision making. He has published research articles in both conferences and international academic scientific journals, such as Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Small Business, International Journal of Emerging Markets, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, and International Review of Entrepreneurship.
Chukwuka Obiora Igboanua (Junior Researcher, MSc in Econ & Bus. Adm.) is a doctoral student and junior reseacher at LUT University School of Business and Management. His interest and expertise are in the fields of economics, entrepreneurship, international business, and marketing.

Chukwuka Igboanua
Sanna-Katriina Asikainen (Sanna Sundqvist) (D.Sc. Econ. & Bus. Adm.) is an Associate Professor in Marketing at Aalto University, School of Business. Her research and teaching covers topics related to Strategic Management, International Marketing, and International Entrepreneurship, and she has published in scholarly journals, like Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, International Marketing Review, Journal of World Business, Industrial Marketing Management, and European Journal of Marketing.
Aalto University
See also