I think that if you enjoy and get excited about your work, then working itself is already the goal and everyday life feels rewarding even before you have reached a stage you are aiming for in terms of position or work tasks. I try to evaluate my own work and my way of working from the perspective of the people whom it affects now or in the future.
A working career is usually long, and each time throughout history has always had its own unique features. I believe that even more than in the recent decades historical average, in the next decades we will need the ability to find opportunities to act and create added value in repeatedly changing conditions, to maintain focus even in the midst of small interruptions and adjustments, and to maintain one's own coping and well-being in everyday life.
In the ten years after graduating from LUT, I have mostly worked in places where the work of financial administration has been and is undergoing significant change. There has been a change from expert-led thinking to process and team based thinking, an increase in the importance of international regulation and coo-operation, the introduction of automation and recently also artificial intelligence and getting used to the fact that its use is part of everydaywork. The responsibility for entering the initial data into the systems has moved to the beginning of the information life cycle, this has increased cooperation with employees of other departments, and their role in terms of information quality and the usability of automations in accounting has grown. The role of financial administration employees as interpreters and illustrators of information has also increased with the increase in the amount of data.
From a career point of view, my adulthood has meandered from a hod dog stand, through ewening high school, LUT and various positions to my current job as financial manager in one charity organisation. Along with studies and working life, I have had my own civilian life, one of the focal points of which is the parenting of four.
For example, if you want to brainstorm options on how to find a path to a working life that looks like yours, where the work is sufficiently in line with your goals and other everyday responsibilities and values, or you want to think together about the core skills and abilities that are important in making your own dreams come true or to be selected for positions that fascinate you, I'll be happy to help.
Studies at LUT: Business Administration, accounting, 2014
Mentoring language: Finnish or English