My name is Jaana and I work as an Internal Auditor of Keski Uusimaa Joint Municipality for Social Welfare and Healthcare (Keusote) that will be a Welfare Services County in the beginning of next year. Internal auditing will have a legal status in Welfare Services Counties.
My career history incudes Internal Auditor positions in Keusote and City of Hyvinkää. At Lahti Region Educational Consortium (joint municipality) I have worked as Development Manager, Internal Auditor, Coordinator of International Projects and Quality Developer. Before, I also worked for Ministry of Trade and Industry as a Project Assistant.
From LUT University I graduated from Business Administration in 2005. I’m also a qualified vocational teacher.
My special interests in the occupational field are on the job learning, quality management, project management, risk management and internal auditing. I have experience as a mentee and as a mentor. My motto is Learning together. I have learnt a lot when working together with students having their practical training in City of Hyvinkää.
I am a member of different working groups of IIA Finland (Institution of Internal Auditors). We all would like to make internal auditing more familiar and a potential career choice among young people. I think all new Welfare Services Counties will need developers of quality, auditing and project work in the future.
Studies at LUT: Business Administration, 2005
Mentoring language: Finnish or English