
My name is Amanda, and I would love to mentor you! My career comprises of 6 years in retail, 2 years in the automotive industry and exports and the last 6 years in IT. I have a BBA in international business and a master’s degree in economics and business administration. I currently work in IT, doing what I love to do most: drive sustainability forward.

When I was studying, I felt lost and alone when it came to the job market and looking for work. I believe I can offer insights, some advice, and a career sparring partner to exchange thoughts with. And hopefully put your mind a little bit more at ease than mine once was. I hope to offer a lot of concrete tips and be useful to you on your journey.

In my free time I like to think about riding my motorbike, sometimes even get on it, do some sports and work on my own business projects. The board of directors at home are recent Lego enthusiasts, which has set the tone for many of my evenings.

Studies at LUT: Sustainability, Strategy, Innovation, 2018

Mentoring language: Finnish or English

Amanda Shonubi
I hope to offer a lot of concrete tips and be useful to you on your journey.
Amanda Shonubi
Sustainability & Project Director, SwanIT, Finland