
Hello there! I'm Giang Hoang Khanh, a passionate data enthusiast and machine learning engineer hailing from Vietnam. With a Master's Degree in Strategic Finance and Business Analytics from LUT University, I have been on an exciting journey that blends the world of numbers and technology.

Over the past 5 years , I've been thriving as a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer. My role has revolved around crafting and implementing cutting-edge ML models, with a particular focus on Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. My expertise extends to building robust APIs for web applications, tackling backend challenges, and ensuring seamless deployment using Jenkins and CodeBuild. 

My unquenchable thirst for learning led me to obtain certifications from Coursera, Udemy, and Triplebyte, and more.

Becoming a mentor is a natural step for me, as I deeply believe in the transformative power of guidance and shared knowledge. I aspire to guide my mentee not only through technical challenges but also through the nuances of professional growth and development. My ideal mentee is someone who is curious, driven, and eager to explore the vast world of data analytics and machine learning. Together, we'll embark on a journey of discovery, pushing boundaries and unraveling the incredible potential that the data landscape has to offer.

Studies at LUT: Strategic Finance and Business Analytics 2018 

Mentoring language: English

Giang Hoang
Becoming a mentor is a natural step for me, as I deeply believe in the transformative power of guidance and shared knowledge.
Giang Hoang
Machine Learning Engineer, Tenpoint7, Vietnam