
Hello, I'm thrilled to introduce myself as a mentor in LUT's Mentoring Program. I have a diverse educational and professional background that I believe can benefit aspiring students. I completed my Master's degree in Engineering from LUT University, specialising in Environmental Technology and Science. Following that, I worked for almost a year at Metsä Group. Throughout my academic journey, I gained practical experience by working on industry projects and internships, which provided me with valuable insights into real-world challenges. Soon, I am privileged to work in my field, Sustainability science, at Lamor aiming to achieve greener world.

I am passionate about supporting students in their personal and professional development. I understand the importance of guidance and mentorship in shaping one's career path, and I believe that sharing my knowledge and experiences can help students navigate their own journeys. My goal as a mentor is to provide guidance, share industry insights, and help students explore various career opportunities in their respective fields. I am particularly interested in mentoring students who are interested in entrepreneurship, project management, and leadership development.

In my free time, I enjoy pursuing various hobbies such as reading, hiking, and playing musical instruments. These activities help me unwind and maintain a healthy work-life balance. I look forward to connecting with enthusiastic mentees who are eager to learn and grow, and together we can embark on a rewarding mentoring journey

Studies at LUT: Environmental science 2022

Mentoring language: English

Ramtin Heydarian
I believe that sharing my knowledge and experiences can help students navigate their own journeys.
Ramtin Heydarian