
My roots are in the software development, and I have never let that spark fade away. Nowadays I’m mostly busy with issues related productification, customer experience (Incidents + UX/CX/DX = anything that creates feelings), support and maintenance. I feel over the years I have gradually specialized with customer experience and product related activities. Most likely because those activities gets you closest to the customer. Involving in such activities is not always fun, but it is very rewarding to collaborate with customers, to sort out their problems, and build trust. This is area where the sense of purpose is always clear.

I'm also a line manager, and that has added the other half to the equation-- that is the human aspect. I have small team of amazing experts working for me and with me on these topics. As line manager there are of course lots of process and compliance related activities I need to do and look after. But the essence of the work still is in sharing, collaborating, influencing and mentoring/coaching. Being a line manager is full contact sport.

I have worked abroad for Ericsson several occasions. It has painted a clear picture of Ericsson as a company, or as a family (as that is how it really feels).

My motivators to enter this mentoring opportunity are many fold, but I hope following two thoughts helps to clarify my mentoring offering:

1) Starting a career as a developer (or designer) is always tough. But it is also highly rewarding. There are not that many things more fun than working in a team with right spirit, attitude and culture, on tasks with clear purpose. Team work requires always balance between technical aspects and human aspects. I feel I can help with both through mentoring.

2) When starting in a new company, we are all very eager to get forward. And we get frustrated very easily when we feel we don't. We may have thinking that only if I would have that position, I could decide and in that way solve all the problems. But it is not about position to gain power, but other way around. Working on things creates expertise, and expertise gives power to influence. Position may help you to get into right rooms, places and scenes. But at the end of the day it is still all about influencing, to get the right decisions done.

Studies at LUT: Software engineering , 1995

Mentoring language: Finnish or English

Santeri Anttalainen
I have specialized to customer experience and product related activities, as those activities gets you closest to the customer.
Santeri Anttalainen
Customer Experience Manager, Ericsson, Finland